Thursday, April 2, 2009


I really battle with deciding between two approaches to spiritual life.

The first is: never talk about what's missing. What you're afraid of. What you don't want to have happen.

The second is that we have to be honest about what we're feeling. We have to acknowledge, even embrace, fears and difficulties. I know this doesn't mean dwelling on them, but still, it feels very contradictory to the first idea.

Right now what I really want to do is admit that I'm scared. I'm afraid of not having enough. But I don't want to give it power by talking about it.

But there it is again. I'm afraid.

I could list the things I'm afraid of, but I think they really boil down to lack. There won't be enough... money, students, inspiration, love.

And I can't just cover it up with a new shirt.

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